Sunday 30 June 2019

Mrs Mac Suggests - What to read in July '19

We've had a little hot spell here in the South-West of England, and yesterday I spent most of the day in the garden reading!  So that urged me onwards to look for something suitable for Summer reading, and I found one on my shelves,

and I am suggesting  A book connected with a garden

That should give you some scope - even if the only one you can think of is Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden - but honestly, there are loads.  I'm going to read:

All Passion Spent by Vita Sackville-West

This is not about gardening, but the author was a gardener.  Sissinghurst is one of the most famous gardens in England, and it was she who designed it and worked on it.
So enjoy your garden - on paper or sitting in it, or both.  Happy July! 

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