I wondered what to suggest because Springtime is not the time for a big chunkie read on the sofa with the fire alight, is it? My attention span is always shorter in spring because I want to be gardening, and this year I am melancholy because a lovely friend died last week, and I am currently only reading mags and newspapers - and those with the attention span of a gnat! So it didn't take me long to find an apt subject for a read in June, and I'm suggesting that even though you may never have read one before, just the thing for a quicker read might be
A graphic novel
You may huff and puff and mutter "comics!" under your breath, but believe me there is some good stuff out there. Have a look in your local bookshop, or talk to your library.... you may be pleasantly surprised! One of my favourites is some years old now, but in two volumes, I can really recommend
Maus - Art Speigleman
Set in WW2, all the characters are animals, Jews are mice, Hitler is a cat. There are pigs and other animals too, but please don't imagine this is a children's book.