We've had several lovely weeks of sun, which has helped with lock down because it sort of lifts your heart. Especially folk like us who are lucky enough to have a garden. Now we are into a third day of rain - with sunny intervals. How are you coping? Mr Mac is an "at-risk" kind of guy, which makes me persona non grata too, out there in the big world. So small projects round the house are on the cards, and so is reading (of course!)
In the book reading world, I know that some of us are finding it hard to read the books we thought we desperately wanted to before this rubbish virus took over the world. My own comfort level has always been around 400 pages (so Pillars of the Earth will always be a no-no for me!) but of late I am looking on my bookcase for "thinnies".
I know I have readers for this particular monthly post, because I can see the figures. But I have no idea at all who you are and if you enjoy the book I suggest because you don't comment! Ah well, plenty of lurkers means somebody loves me!! Moving swiftly on........
I am in other places on the internet, and in another place I suggested to a group of bookie friends that
a children's classic
might be a good choice. For me it will be a re-read, but a wonderful one and at only 152 pages I think I can concentrate that long! The new Puffin edition cover has actually used the back cover illustration of the 1958 edition (although I think the original front cover was better, but what do I know!) Anyway, let me welcome you to the world of
The Borrowers - Mary Norton