Monday, 25 March 2013

I got a Sunshine Award - and now I'm dishing 'em out!

 I Got a lovely award!  My booky friend Jane at
gave me the Sunshine Award!  Thank you for that Jane.  Now I have to find some other lovely bloggers to give some sunshine to.

To tell you a bit about this award:    The Sunshine Award is an award given by bloggers to other bloggers.  The recipients are "bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere".

The way the award works is this: on your blog, thank the person who gave you the award, and link back to them.  Then, if you want to, answer 10 questions about yourself (see below). 

Finally, select up to 10 of your favourite bloggers, link their blogs to your post, and let them know they have been awarded the Sunshine Award. 

I'd better tell you that I have changed some of the questions a little, as I want to send my sunshine out to some non-book bloggers as well as those who blog about books, and who make my day a bit sunnier whenever I read their blog.  And remember, my Sunshine Award winners.... no need to reply to those questions unless you really want to!!  Wishing you sunny days.

10 Questions:
1.  What inspired you to start blogging?
2.  How did you come up with the name of your blog?
3.  What is your favourite blog that you like to read?
4.  What would be your dream job?
5.  If you could spend a day with eight authors  or other well known people as a group, who would you invite (past or present)?
6.  What is your favourite place to travel?
7.  What is your favourite book out of all the books you have read?
8.  What was your favourite book as a child and how did it influence your choice in books today?
9.  How much time do you spend blogging?
10.What would you say to your favourite person listed in question 5 if you got the chance?
1.  I'd done a few reviews of books for ReadItSwapIt, and thought I might find a wider readership out there in the blogosphere, also I found I wanted people to read me!
2.  I'm Mrs Mac, and I have adventures..... and I read books too.
3.  There are several that I read regularly but always return to those who are getting the award here! 
4.  I think, the next time round, I'd like to be a private detective (no murders though, please!)
5.  Oh dear,  this is hard. Not eight, but a few fascinating (to me) people.  My Dad; Frank Lloyd Wright; Antonio Gaudi; Mozart; Garrison Kieller.  No authors at all then?  And my Dad?  yes, because he's long gone, but would have been fascinated by it all!
6.  Loved New York, always enjoy Spain and France.... but there's always somewhere else isn't there?
7.  I loved Winters Tale, Mark Helprin when I read it in the 1980s,  but my taste changes all the time and this year it's definitely The Dog Stars, Peter Heller.
8. Little White Horse, Elizabeth Goudge, which I still love.  I don't know that it had any influence on today's choices.  It was just so wonderful the first time I read it.
9.  Maybe 30 minutes to an hour a day reading other people's And an hour every few days to write mine.
10.  Mozart?  Thank you for the music.

So some sunshine now coming the way of: 

Southern Hospitality -
Sunil's Garden - 
The Amazing American Adventures of Hazel and Bobby -
Letters from a Hill Farm 
Comic Crits -    


  1. Hi, Susan, thank you so much for thinking of me with the award. I appreciate the recognition. Happy Monday!!

  2. Thank you for the award! It means a lot to me, but I won't be passing it along. Loved reading your answers!

  3. Congratulations on you award! You deserve it - I certainly feel the sunshine in your blog!


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