Saturday, 19 April 2014

Hermelin - Mini Grey

It is just something I sometimes do..... pick a children's book.  Child at heart, I suppose!  This was a little gem, so glad I saw it in a review of children's books for the Easter Holidays.  Hermelin is a white mouse, who lives in an attic, sleeps in an empty cheese box (which by the way smells delicious) and discovers he is good at solving crimes.  I love mice detectives.... early in my blogging career I wrote several chapters of a story (and perhaps I should revisit that and publish it now that e-publishing is available!).  Anyway, back to Hermelin..... He finds a priceless bracelet, a missing child, a handbag, a teddy bear and a few other things.  The joy is in the illustrations, which I think are by Mini Grey too, as I see no detail of an illustrator between the covers.  I read it twice, discovering things the second time I had missed the first, and if reading aloud with a child this would happen for the child and the reader too, I think.  Well done Mini Grey!  I loved Hermelin and I think all read-aloud parents and grandparents will feel the same.  Probably aimed at around 3 to 6 years but on the other hand, look how old I am!

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