Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Most popular post about such a small room!

 What a funny thing!  I have feedjit on my blog.. a little tool which tells me who has visited recently/who is visiting right now.  I love it, and I wonder sometimes who these visitors are, and how they came across me.  I'm not a professional blogger (I don't have any advertising, I sometimes post only a couple of times a month), and no-one offers me new beds, new paints, new books;  but somehow I have a most popular post......  my regulars number around 35 - but in a year, this one has had 1,111 yes! one thousand one hundred and one hits.  Why?  And one of the funniest thoughts I had was - how have the Americans( they've hit the most) found this?  Because the first few words of the title are "Downstairs toilet, change of colour...." and Americans, (bit of a sweeping statement coming up), to my knowledge, call these rooms anything but toilets!  I don't mind of course, the more the merrier that view my smallest room, but I am intrigued as to why that post is sooo popular.  Any ideas?

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