Saturday 2 May 2020

Holly Blue butterfly spot in Dorset garden (May 2020)

Holly Blue Male

Now here's a puzzle!  a very small blue butterfly flitting about this afternoon.... and there are 3/4 different kinds.  Was it this?  yes it was!  Because the underside is very plain and a sort of white colour, so when he settled for a while, I spotted it!

It was only this morning I was walking past the Holly tree and spotted the flowers.... I have never seen holly flowers in my life (seen plenty of berries of course!) but during lock down life has a slower, nicer, quieter pace in the garden and somehow, there is more time to inspect the borders!

That's the third "first time spot" for me this year, and I saw an orange tip again this same afternoon.


  1. Hello Mars Mac, I must admit, I'm struggling to think what holly flowers might be like (I keep thinking of Bay flowers). The blue butterfly is very pretty, I've never successfully taken a picture of a butterfly as they never seem to sit still long enough and always flutter away when I'm not even close.

  2. Sunil - I don't take the butterfly pics - every one of these are from the British Butterflies site, which I use for identification (but don't tell anyone else)!! Holly flowers are very similar to Bay, being white and tiny. Google?


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