Tuesday, 15 March 2011

The Yellow and White Border

What a good title for a book (would-be authors feel free!).  In fact, I am talking about the garden.  Last year I had an old border full of brambles dug over, and added 2 tons topsoil.  Then empty, my decision was to choose a colourway.  Too many "white" borders around, and this garden is no Sissinghurst, so I decided on yellow and white.  During the winter I bought a witchhazel, which comes in many flower colours, but of course mine was yellow, and that will be planted out very shortly, now flowering is over.  When the original area of land was dug over, loads of bulbs came out (I do remember seeing a lot of daffodils when we first came to view the house 9 years ago this month), and were put in a small bucket for replanting.  Call it lax, but I never did replant last autumn, and then we had two lots of snow, and then Christmas, and then..... suddenly, a couple of weeks ago, I realised that all those old bulbs were budding up!  Who'd have thought it?  Anyway, the majority of them are now back in their old home, and the buds getting fatter by the day.  I think that I may have created a good show for each spring in that new boarder - it's like painting, but even though I can't paint, I can create something lovely to look at. 

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