and if you open it - Hey Presto! here's where we hang our coats, on a custom made coat rack made by dear OH.
....... The next picture shows the same tiny space from the downstairs toilet which you can see right here
and the door to the toilet is here. Stop! What's that little basket doing? That holds hats, gloves and scarves. Don't know where I got it, had it about 20 years - I think it's make from woven raffia, so it's soft and malable, and holds loads. Special offer from a magazine perhaps? Anyone else recognise it and remember? See below for a closeup!
So - there we are, a place for the coats! and just in case you missed it, the shelf about holds spare small towels, and my flower vases. And for the architectural students out there.... the coat hooks? Beginning of 20th century, around 1911, from a house on Hampstead Garden Suburb, London.
Hi Thanks for you sweet comment, it is a sickness this repurposing isn't it? Thanks for visiting all the way from England. My son Drew wants to be English and talk english. We have taught him a few words, like torch for flashlight and boot, lol!!