Thursday, 4 April 2013

Storage in a very small area!

You will have seen this kind of storage box, I am sure.
Fabulous, because you can move the divisions around!

So, this is how you can store a lot of them in that tiny corner your thought you couldn't use because there is something behind it, or by the side of it, that you need access to and attempting to pull out box after box after box to get at it is just not a runner.

Cut a peice of pine (or any heavy duty scrap wood that you have disgarded ) about 1 inch bigger all round than the storage boxes that you want to store.  Add a small strip of wood about 1/2 an inch wide to one of the shorter sides of your wood.  Screw or glue or both.  Up to you.  Then turn over and screw on 4 castors.
Next, don't do what we did!!!  We added half a broom handle on a small hinge, so that it would be easy to pull out of it's storage space, and would fold back in and stay there.   Hahaha!
Here's the finished article and you can see the little ledge which stops the boxes slipping off on the left, and the hinged handle on the right.  The castors are there but invisible in this pic.  D'you know why I laughed when I told you about the broom handle?  Didn't work!  Removed that, drilled 2 holes and threaded a peice of rope through, knotting both ends underneath.  so now you can still pull it out of your storage area, but the broom handle doesn't sock you one when it falls outwards everytime you approach the storage area.

You could try the same thing with smaller toy boxes, or shoe boxes, or whatever, but just remember that if you get "stacking" boxes, they will be more stable.  Anyway, lots of stuff all in a stack and easy to get at.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, Susan. I'll show it to Geoff for all his DIY bits and bobs.


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