Sunday, 1 February 2015

What to read in February - Mrs Mac suggests .....

A nom nom book!  What's that I hear you cry?  Well, finding a US library website whilst looking for book titles to suggest this month, it seems that on their blog page they refer to books with recipes and food within as nom nom books.  It made me laugh.  So that's what we are looking for in this cold month in the Northern Hemisphere (go for it in the Southern Hemisphere too if you follow this monthly post!);  something that makes us feel warm inside and as I don't read ordinary love stories and chick-lit, it has to be food or animals.

So it's food, .... and this month, find a fiction that is about food, or that has recipes.  Something like -

The Last Chinese Chef by Nicole Mones

Good reading everyone (or should that be Food reading? haha!)

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